Safety and Compliance

Protect Your People and Property With Safe and Compliant Installation Services

Are you taking all necessary precautions to safeguard your workplace? Safety and compliance are paramount in any material handling system installation or teardown project, ensuring the protection of both personnel and assets. At Distribution X, we prioritize safety above all else, implementing rigorous measures to uphold industry standards and OSHA regulations that safeguard your people and property throughout every project. Trust us to deliver installations that meet your operational needs and prioritize the well-being of everyone involved.

Discover How DX Upholds Safety and Compliance Requirements

OSHA Compliance

Adhering to OSHA compliance standards ensures workplace safety and avoids costly penalties. DX prioritizes compliance with OSHA regulations throughout every stage of system installation. From initial planning to final execution, we meticulously adhere to OSHA guidelines, implementing robust safety measures to protect workers and assets while delivering efficient and compliant solutions.

Certified, In-House Safety Experts

At Distribution X, safety is non-negotiable. Our dedicated in-house safety managers, who are always on-site, ensure continuous oversight, conduct inspections, and serve as your primary contact for any safety-related inquiries. Additionally, our team members hold certifications in forklift operation and rigging, further enhancing safety protocols on your job site.

Frequently Asked Safety and Compliance Questions

DX regularly updates its safety procedures to align with the latest regulations and industry best practices.

Safety and compliance are prioritized at every project DX works on. We welcome you to view our project portfolio to see the results of our work.

DX specializes in safely installing and removing a wide range of systems, including mechanical conveyor systems, pallet and steel structure systems, and automated systems.

Connect With a Safe and Compliant Installation Expert

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